About Us
The Anthony Lab at UC Davis was established in 2020, after relocating from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University in New York. UC Davis and its School of Veterinary Medicine provided a natural home for us, given their rich history in One Health research and the presence of extraordinary faculty specializing in zoonotic and emerging viruses.
We are a multidisciplinary team united by a shared mission:
Understanding how viruses emerge in humans from wildlife. To achieve this, we integrate fieldwork, laboratory research, and computational biology to explore the patterns and drivers of viral diversity in animals. Our ultimate goal is to build an evidence base that supports more intelligent forecasting of spillover risk. We engage in extensive collaboration, both within UC Davis and externally, working on projects that have both national and international scope. Our research is currently funded by several federal agencies, including the NIH, NSF, USGS, and USDA.
Meet the PI
Dr. Anthony is a virologist by training, with interests in viral ecology and evolution. He is motivated not only by the threat that wildlife viruses pose to humans but also by a curiosity about natural history and a desire to catalog the unseen biodiversity of our planet. Over the course of his career, Dr. Anthony has worked at various institutions, including a livestock research institute (The Pirbright Institute, UK), a wildlife and conservation organization (San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance), a School of Public Health (Columbia University), and now, a School of Veterinary Medicine (UC Davis).
View Dr Anthony's UC Davis Profile